AKS Upgrade Options

azure software security

Maintaining workloads on Kubernetes is no simple task. Part of the reason for this difficulty is the the need for routine version upgrades. These upgrades are needed to keep up with the latest patches released for security, performance, and other enhancements

AAD App Registration vs Enterprise Application

azure software security

Azure Active Directory (AAD) concepts can be challenging to grasp at times. One of these concepts that I have witnessed many people struggle to understand is the relationship between an App Registration and Enterprise Application. I hope to shed some light on this important topic.

Trick of Deploying Function App with Terraform

azure software

Growing up in Afghanistan, food has been an important part of my life. In part, this is due to the fact that dining out is not part of the Afghan culture. So, I have had the opportunity of witnessing meals being prepared multiple times a day, most of my life.